One Sock For Each Day of the Week – Or Less


One Sock For Each Day of the Week – Or Less

Is that what it means to wear one sock everyday? It means having at least one consistent, waterproof sock throughout the whole day. It is that easy. Just have one waterproof sock for each day of the week, and you will be perfectly matched every time you put your socks on.

So now we come to our Prince Charming, Fashionista Peter Pan. Prince Charming because Peter Pan is a one sock wonder. No matter what kind of shoes, shirt, pants or dress he wears, there is always a seamless transition from one sock to another. As a matter of fact, he has at least one sock for each of his main four fashions: formal trousers for a more formal occasion, sporty trousers for a more casual one, slacks for the workplace and dress slacks for the evening. And he always has one sock for Prince Prospero, his magic dog.

Now that you know how easy it is to follow fashion and that you should always match your shoes to your socks, you probably think it doesn’t apply to you. You are the fashion minority. But I was thinking about this the other day and realized that I have a friend who wears two socks, one for each of his pants. So if I’m not mistaken, the one sock rule really does apply to fashion as much as it does to people wearing socks. So instead of worrying if you are wearing socks or not, why not start being a fashion trendsetter and start wearing socks like everyone else?
